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Reliable Tax Experts YouCan Work With

Whether you need help in managing your taxes or analyzing your company's financial condition, FinTAcS offers you the assistance and support you need through our varied services.

IRS Representation

IRS Representation

FinTAcS is capable of representing taxpayers when dealing with the IRS. If you are being audited for the first time, we can help!

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is a federal agency of the United States, under the immediate direction of the Commission of Internal Revenue. The IRS is primarily responsible for the collection of taxes, maximization of tax revenue and implementation and administration of the Internal Revenue Code of the country. The IRS has various procedures and strategies that effectively identify which companies or individuals have filed erroneous and fraudulent tax returns.

It is important, therefore, that companies and individuals alike should be able to prepare accurate and correct tax returns. This will ensure that they are in compliance with the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code. Our firm at FinTAcS is here to provide you with the services you need to ensure all that.

Are you being audited for the first time? FinTAcS is here to support you. Call 862-946-1706 for a consultation.